C 9502 MASSAGE BAROQUE MUSIC: MUSIC FOR LOVERS HEARTBEAT (only available as digital download or streaming)
To share a massage at home with your partner, giving and receiving quality massage, is an act of love. A massage is the best investment you can make in a healthy relationship. Your partner will melt under your touch—and so will you when it is your turn to receive! Touch is healthy! Pleasurable touch lowers your blood pressure, boosts your immune system and releases pleasure hormones. In our busy lives, it is all too easy to rush past intimacy and forget to actively cultivate closeness with our lover. Sharing a massage at home is a simple way to deliberately create intimate moments to bring you closer and keep your spark alive.
The tracks on this Massage Baroque Music CD present a remarkable collection of meltingly sensuous baroque music compiled by José Carlos Cabello, artistic director of the early music label Cantus. Recording took place in January 2000 at the Romanesque church of Amsoldingen, Switzerland. No obstrusive recordings systems or mixes were used, and the purity of the recorded sound that you will notice was achieved by the use of a single source sound system based on a stereo microphone. The works selected have been restored to their original colour and are performed by world class artists using period instruments. The music relates profoundly to the human heartbeat and so provides an atmosphere of intense intimacy enhancing the pleasures of massage to the highest level of sublety. For total stimulation of all senses towards an ultimate satisfaction, luxuriate in incense, body rub , massage oil and music simultaneously.
For our irresistible Massage Baroque Music CD we have selected a number of gloriously beautiful baroque adagios by great composers like Johann Sebastian Bach, George Frideric Handel, Antonio Vivaldi, and other lesser known maestros like Heinichen, Leonardo Leo, Fasch or Almeida. Besides, we have included a marvelous oboe adagio by Albinoni, that composer who has just too often credited with an adagio that he never actually wrote...Oh, almost forgot! We end the CD with a non-baroque piece, the beautiful prélude op. 18 composed by Cesar Franck, performed here with period harmonium and fortepiano. Why? Because it is such a sensuous, magical masterwork that we felt that you would love to hear it once your massage is almost finished and need to relax and empty your mind of any other thoughts... All in all, this is a fascinating collection of music of the highest quality and beauty, ordered in a way that will allow you slightly change the kind of touch and pressure and the intensity of the massage, gently inspired by the different textures of the instruments employed in the works recorded: concertos for baroque oboe, or for violin, or for violoncello, and also two gorgeous vocal pieces that add a different quality to the general mood of this unique CD.
Please note that Massage Baroque is not available as a physical CD. You can only purchase a digital download from iTunes, Qobuz, Emusic or any other legal platform, or listen to it using streaming services like Spotify or Deezer. Please refer to the Digital Download section.
Massage Baroque Music for lovers heartbeat
- Massage Baroque contains 17 tracks performed by Basel Baroque Orchestra, whose members mainly come from the famous Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, with a team of distinguished soloists that are often requested by the best orchestras and ensembles devoted to early music in the world.
Production information
Total time total 71:39
Booklet Including a very informative article in English written by José Carlos Cabello, artistic director of Cantus, who directed this production.
Recording Romanesque church of Amsoldingen, Switzerland, January 2000
Engineering, editing and production Engineeered by Fréderic Briant and produced by Manfred Westermann & José Carlos Cabello
Executive production Production designed by José Carlos Cabello (from Cantus Records, Spain) and Stefan Mager (from Dynamo House, Australia)
Cover Created from different oriental manuscripts by Stefan Mager, resized by José Carlos Cabello.
"***** Perfect for those nights with someone special when you want to just sit on the floor and stare at each other. The performances are glorious" (The Eye Magazine, Classical, Australia)
"CD of the Month" (3MBS Radio Station, Australia)
[1] Albinoni: Adagio from Oboe Concerto op. 9 no. 2)
[5] Vivaldi: Larghetto lento from Lute Trio in C Major
Please note that Massage Baroque is not available as a physical CD. You can only purchase a digital download from iTunes, Qobuz, Emusic or any other legal platform, or listen to it using streaming services like Spotify or Deezer. Please refer to the Digital Download section.
The present CD is available in most digital platforms both in lossy (mp3) and lossless formats, and always including the complete ebooklet. If you want to purchase it in a not supported format by the mentioned platforms, or you experience any problem, please contact us at shop@cantus-records.com and we shall send you instructions on how to get it immediately.