The Ensemble Gilles Binchois celebrated a few years ago their 30th Anniversary and, to mark such happy occasion, Cantus released a specially priced 7 CD set containing their best-ever recordings.
As it is well-known, Dominique Vellard and his Ensemble Gilles Binchois are unanimously considered among the best early music artists in the world, and have received dozens of international awards.
Cantus is the proud owner of a large part of the discography of this ensemble and we have selected some of their best and most representative recordings of their impressive career.
Their 3 legendary CDs devoted to the figure of Guillaume de Machaut (1300-1373) have been hailed as the absolute key-stone in the discography of the most important medieval French poet and composer, but we cannot forget to mention some of their highly respected recordings such as their marvellous readings of the repertoires associated with the first Notre Dame School polyphonies, their colourful performances of 13th-century trouvères music or their serene and pure recordings of the authentic Gregorian chant.
Our new specially priced 7 CDs x 4 set (C 9901/7 Cours et Cathédrales, with 7 Cds grouped in 6 titles), is entirely devoted to medieval French sacred and secular music. It includes the following original references:
C 9617 Canto gregoriano
C 9703/4 Le chant des cathédrales (2 CDs)
C 9616 Les Escholiers de Paris
C 9624 Machaut: Messe de Nostre Dame
C 9625 Machaut: Le Vray remède d’amour
C 9626 Machaut: Le Jugement du Roi de Navarre
Ensemble Gilles Binchois
- Dominique Vellard, director
Total time 7 horas
This specially priced 4 Cds x 2 set includes all the original booklets with a total of 250 pages and over 150 illustrations. Four languages. Full translations of all the sung texts. All four CDs can be purchased separately as well at their usual, individual price.
Cover: Vie et miracles de Saint Denis (detalle). Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Ms Français, fol. 37v. Paris, 1317
Diapason d'Or (Diapason, France)
Choc de Le Monde de la Musique (Le Monde de la Musique, France)
Un événement exceptionnel (Télérama, France)
10 de Répertoire (Répertoire, France)
5 Goldberg (Goldberg, Spain/USA/France)
Excepcional de Scherzo (Scherzo, Spain)
***** Ritmo (Ritmo, Spain)
"The modern equivalent of an illuminated book of hours: beautiful to hold, read and hear, it is an effort worthy of the universal praise it has received" (Koch-Schwann, USA)
Disco Recomendado del Mes (Classica, France)
"AltÃsima recomendación" (Early Music Review, UK)
Direct digital download of the box at reduced price (7 CDs x 4) is not working for the moment through the usual platforms, but you can download each of the CDs individually from iTunes, Amazon, Qobuz and most popular platforms in mp3 (lossy) and FLAC (lossless), including complete ebooklets. You can obtain the direct links visiting each individual CD page in this web.
However, if you wish to buy a digital download of this box at a reduced price (7 CDs x 4) NOW (mp3 or flac formats) please send us an email to and you will immediately receive instructions to do so.