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I have pushed myself to let the violin do what only the violin, and no other instrument, can do’. This is how Stefano Montanari describes his readings of the always […]

I have pushed myself to let the violin do what only the violin, and no other instrument, can do'. This is how Stefano Montanari describes his readings of the always enigmatic, always fascinating, always impressive monumental Bach's violin masterpiece: the Sonatas and Partitas.

At last, the outstanding version of Stefano Montanari is made available worldwide through this edition in Cantus Records. No doubt, a version that all music lovers will want to treasure. As Montanari himself puts it, 'I believed it was necessary to start off by taking into consideration what the instrument had to offer. During my years of study I always came across the widespread idea that when performing these pieces one must try to imitate the organ by trying to play homogeneously, in a compact manner. I personally believe that for this reason, I have pushed myself to let the violin do what only the violin, and no other instrument, can do. It seems that a general misunderstanding surrounds the Sonatas and Partitas. It represents an ardous obstacle in both the performer's and listener's mind. I don't agree with solving a problem technically in order to achieve a musical result. I actually feel the opposite. My goal has therefore been trying to render this collection musically interesting'.

Stefano Montanari, who was primo violino for the Accademia Bizantina since 1995, has worked during his career with some of the most celebrated names in the early music industry. Teacher of Baroque violin in Milan, Verona and Urbino, he is, as of 2005, both violinist and conductor, enjoying a trimphant career in both aspects.



  • Stefano Montanari (Baroque violin by Heindrick Jacobsz, Amsterdam, 1680)

Other informations

Total time total 70:45 + 75:41

Booklet containing an essay by José Carlos Cabello

Recording venue and dates Auditorium Modernissimo, Nembro (BG), Italy, 13-16 August, 2011

Engineering and Digital editing Roberto Chinellato

Producers Paolo Ballanti, except Stefania Trovesi (BWV 1001) & Stefano Rossi (BWV 1004)

Executive production Stefano Montanari & Cantus Records

Design and booklet coordination José Carlos Cabello

Fhotos Sergio Gavioli (


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